2008年11月19日 星期三
2008年7月14日 星期一
時間過的很快, 從娘胎到現在已經一歲了,
現在牙齒也有七顆了, 開始跟我搶東西吃了,
會說流利的 "ok", 會叫 "阿姨" (係金ㄟ嘛)~~~
會 kiss bye, 會舉手答右, 會推雞公車~~~
最近也給他開始看巧虎了, 最喜歡巧虎唱歌,
會一直手舞足蹈, 不過動作看起來好像在拜拜耶~~~
iPod 當機的解法
很少聽說這樣的現象, 居然被我遇見了,
於是找著找著找到了 Reset 的方法,
就要給他趕緊的記起來囉 ~~~~
先將 hold 鍵切到 on
按住 menu + 選擇鍵 (中間的圓型按鈕),
大概等個6~10秒, iPod 重新開機囉~~~
2008年6月10日 星期二
2008 年度旗艦機 Touch Diamond from 【Sogi!手機王】
成立自有品牌才將近一年的 HTC 宏達電,就已經靠著 Touch 系列在歐洲、美國、亞洲創下銷售佳績,而 TyTN 系列更是德國等歐洲國家頗受消費者好評的商務手機。今天 (5/13) HTC 在台北 101 的 86 樓發表 2008 全新旗鑑機 Touch Diamond,將是今年兼具時尚和高科技 Touch 應用技術的高階手機,繼英國倫敦在 5 月 6 日的發表會後,台北是全球巡迴發表的第二站,明天則將在香港發表。
2007 年 Touch 系列一連推出 Touch、Touch Color、Touch DUAL、Touch CRUISE 等,本月並推出 Touch CRUISE 小改款的 P3651,Touch Diamond 鑽石機等於是 HTC Touch 家族的第六名成員,背負著對抗蘋果 3G 版 iPhone 的重責大任。HTC 也宣佈 Touch Diamond 預計在 5 月底 ~ 6 月初交由中華電信鋪貨。
Touch Diamond 不愧是 HTC 十年有成的自豪產品,在外觀上的工藝設計上更加精進,完全擺脫 Windows Mobile 從來的印象,方正的風格、簡約的線條、甚至背面的類鑽石切割,都突顯了 HTC 在手機設計上的頂尖技術,也讓 Touch Diamond 看起來更像 feature phone,更容易被普羅大眾所接受。
執行長暨總經理周永明表示:「HTC 從 2007 年成立品牌以來,僅一年不到的時間就達到如此驚人的銷量和良好的消費者好評,今天在全台灣媒體前宣布此消息,台灣人應該感到相當榮耀。而今天所發表的旗艦機種 Touch Diamond 在時尚設計、通訊、以及消費者體驗都有長足的創新突破,象徵著 HTC 帶領手機發展進入全新紀元。」
HTC Touch Diamond 混合了對比鮮明的金屬元素和獨特的幾何多面體,正面的部份是金屬質感的塗裝,背面的鑽石切割設計則是利用了鋼琴烤漆的材質,與 HTC 以往慣用的霧面處理塗裝,有很不一樣的突破。再來,HTC 把 TouchFLO 介面再升級為 3D 版本,將觸控體驗帶到另一個更高的層次,與先前的版本差異極大,未來 SOGI 借測時將有完整介紹。
而新版本的 TouchFLO 3D 介面,可以讓使用者輕鬆將聯絡人、訊息、電子郵件、相片、音樂、氣象等資訊相互連結,不像之前的 TouchFLO 感覺與手機本身的串連性仍不夠高。
★ 雖然鏡面與亮面處理讓手機很美型,不過 Touch Diamond 的材質儼然成為指紋+油臉殺手。
★ 鑽石切割的幾何圖形背面設計,也是 Touch Diamond 的命名由來。
★ 鏡頭旁也有幾何形狀構成的金屬片,如此薄的機身還能塞入 320 萬畫素的自動對焦鏡頭,的確很值得讚許。
★ 從側面看也有幾何造型切割的設計
★ 內建 4GB 的使用者儲存空間,而無法擴充記憶卡是比較不便之處。
★ 升級為 VGA 的 2.8 吋螢幕,在螢幕亮度、字體美感上都有大幅改進。
★ 與 Touch Cruise P3651 相比少了點商務感,但外觀上更為時尚。
★ 從側面可以看出 Touch Diamond 的體積有多迷你,簡直與一般 feature phone 不相上下。
★ Home Screen 首頁介面比以往更活潑,時間顯示還會像排球賽的分數表一樣翻版。
★ 天氣顯示也很 3D,芝加哥的天氣為多雲,顯示的動畫為 3D 的楓葉飄動。
★ 杜拜高達 38 度的高溫,顯示動畫為像太陽的大火球。
★ 紐約是雨天,顯示的動畫為烏雲密佈帶有陣雨。
★ 東京是晴時多雲,太陽隱藏在雲裡面。
★ 電話簿聯絡人的圖像顯示,比第一代的 TouchFLO 更加立體,還能迅速翻動。
★ 音樂的播放介面有 iPod 之 Cover Flow 的感覺,相似度極高。
★ 手機也內建 Youtube 網站連結,可以透過 Wi-Fi 或是 7.2Mbps 的 HSDPA 網路瀏覽。
★ 由於 Youtube 上大部分的影片解析度都不高,反而有點浪費的 Touch Diamond 高達 640x480 pixels 的高畫質螢幕。
iPhone 3G 發表了

再等一個月! 22國同步上市
蘋果執行長喬布斯在舊金山的蘋果全球發展商大會上介紹新版iPhone,iPhone 3G將於7月11日在22個國家同步上市,幾個月內擴大到全球70個國家和地區。新一代iPhone最大更新當然是支持3G無線網絡,使上網速度大增,喬 布斯比較新舊版本下載國家地理雜誌首頁的速度,3G版本5秒內下載完畢,舊版則需18秒。
分析師說,大幅降價顯示蘋果對電話市場的野心,實現千萬支銷售目標不是難事。但分析師也指出,iPhone手機雖然降價,但在美國獨家系統商 AT&T的月租費卻將由20美元增加到30美元,綁約兩年下來,消費者付出的費用更高,不過iPhone 3G的資訊服務也相對較佳。
網路服務升級 兩種中文日文
iPhone 3G有內鍵的全球衛星定位系統,網路服務升級為MobileMe,提供20GB的網路存儲空間,用戶可獲得Me.com 的iPhone電子郵件、通訊錄、行事曆服務。MobileMe年費99美元,並針對為商務人士提供更多功能。
喬布斯並宣布iPhone軟體商店即將上線,蘋果在3月公布iPhone開發套件(SDK),第三方開發者寫了不少專供iPhone使用的 軟體,包括eBay拍賣軟體、Sega遊戲、Modality醫學軟體、以及可以讓使用者看到朋友在哪裡的Loopt軟體等。國際通訊社美聯社也在發表會 上介紹了「行動新聞網」(Mobile News Network)服務,除了收看新聞,也可讓使用者把身邊發生的新聞和照片傳送給美聯社。
厚度減至1.23公分 背蓋改弧形塑料
iPhone 3G手機外觀並沒有太大改變,一些細微改變包括厚度減至1.23公分,背蓋採用弧形設計,並從金屬材質改為塑料。另外,待機時間為300小時,通話時間由 原來的8小時提高到10小時,3G網路下通話時間為5小時,上網時間為5至6小時,視訊播放時間為7小時,音樂播放時間為24小時,手機的音質也有改進。
2008年4月23日 星期三
Create a separate home partition in Ubuntu
Create a separate home partition in Ubuntu
This guide is for creating a separate /home partition if you already installed Ubuntu without a /home partition (i.e., /home is just a folder inside your / partition). If you have not yet installed Ubuntu but want to create a /home partition before installing (a very good idea, by the way), use this guide. If you want to know more about partition planning, read this.
Important Disclaimers
- Even though I created the form of this tutorial, the steps outlined in it are taken directly from a text-only (command-line-driven) guide for this process.
- I and others have been successful in creating a separate /home partition using this tutorial, but there are many who have had difficulty being successful with the process. If you are not confident in what you're doing or in repairing or recovering from this process should anything go wrong, then do not attempt the instructions outlined here. I cannot help you troubleshoot problems that result from following this tutorial.
- Creating a separate /home partition involves resizing at least one existing partition. In almost all cases, the resizing of partitions does not result in data loss, but there still exists a (however small) risk of data loss, so you should back up your important data before attempting to resize your partitions.
- The tutorial was created a long time ago using an older version of Ubuntu. The same principles should still work for recent versions of Ubuntu, but you may see little discrepancies in form (for example, the use of UUIDs in the /etc/fstab file).
You must use a live CD for this process, for two reasons:
- In order to resize your existing / partition, it needs to be unmounted. The only way to unmount it is for it not to be in use, which means you can't boot to your regular Ubuntu installation while resizing it... which means you need a live CD
- If you screw up your installation by accident, you can use the live CD to restore your old settings and, in the worst situation, at least recover your important files
I'm using the example of a Ubuntu live CD and GParted, but you can very well use QTParted on Knoppix or DiskDrake on PCLinuxOS.
Making the new partition
Boot up a live CD and in your live session, install GParted (and ntfsprogs, just in case you're carving a partition out of an existing NTFS partition... before resizing an NTFS partition, though, make sure you defragment it in Windows). You can use Synaptic Package Manager to install it (Don't know what Synaptic is? Look here, or if you prefer the command-line, go to the terminal and type in
Then, press Alt-F2 and type
In GParted, find the partition you want to resize in order to make room for your upcoming /home partition. In this case, I'm resizing /dev/hda5, but your partition may be different. Be sure to keep track of the names of your partitions--these names are very important (/dev/hda1, /dev/hdb1, /dev/sda2, etc.).
Right-click on the partition and choose the Resize/Move option.
Choose the new size you want.
Then, in the new empty space, right-click and select New.
Choose to create the partition as Filesystem ext3.
When you're satisfied with your new partition layout, click Apply
Once the changes have been applied, make note of the partition name of your new partition and then quit GParted.
Now, in my example, my original partition that I shrunk was /dev/hda5, and it created a new partition called /dev/hda7, and my /home folder lives on /dev/hda1. It's very important that you substitute in your own appropriate partition names for the ones I'm using--you most likely will have only two partitions you're dealing with--the one you shrunk and the newly created one.
Using the new partition
Now, back in the terminal, I'm going to mount /dev/hda1 and /dev/hda7:
sudo mkdir /old
sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /old
sudo mkdir /new
sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda7 /new
Now we're going to back up the /home directory on the old partition and move it to the new partition:
cd /old/home
find . -depth -print0 | sudo cpio --null --sparse -pvd /new/
sudo mv /old/home /old/home_backup
sudo mkdir /old/home
Yes, one of those lines looks really complicated--please type it as is--or, if you're unsure of your typing skills, copy and paste it into the terminal. Believe me--the command is necessary.
Next, we're going to specify to use the new home partition as /home:
sudo nano /old/etc/fstab
You'll then be taken to the nano text editor. Add in this line:
Then save (Control-X), confirm (Y), and exit (Enter)
After you reboot, you should be now using your new /home partition.
If you find that you are running out of room on your old partition and you're pretty confident everything is working as it should be, then go ahead and delete the backup of home:
What if it doesn't work?
You know, it really should work, but if you somehow messed up your /etc/fstab and didn't configure it correctly... well, that's why we have a live CD, so we can fix things.
Boot up the live CD, go to a terminal, and type:
sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /recovery
sudo cp -R /recovery/home_backup /recovery/home
sudo cp /recovery/etc/fstab_backup /recovery/etc/fstab
Then, reboot.
2008年3月9日 星期日
Install ATI driver
sudo apt-get install module-assistant build-essential fakeroot dh-make debhelper \
debconf libstdc++5 linux-headers-generic dkms
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install module-assistant build-essential fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++5 linux-headers-$(uname -r)
sudo rm /usr/lib/libGL.so*
gusty 7.10:
bash *.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy
Feisty 7.04:
bash *.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/feisty
sudo gedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common
sudo dpkg -i xorg-driver-fglrx_*.deb fglrx-kernel-source*.deb fglrx-amdcccle*.deb
sudo rm /usr/src/fglrx-kernel*.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo module-assistant prepare
sudo module-assistant update
sudo module-assistant build fglrx
cd /usr/src
sudo dpkg -i fglrx-kernel-*.deb
sudo depmod -a
sudo aticonfig --initial -f
sudo aticonfig --ovt=Xv
Option "VideoOverlay" "on"
Option "OpenGLOverlay" "off"
sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "0"
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "AIGLX" "off"
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "1"
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "AIGLX" "on"
display: :0.0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700
OpenGL version string: 2.1.7170 Release
glxinfo | grep render
direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700
12.開啟3D桌面,讓Compiz Fusion工作
SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz
mkdir -p ~/.config/compiz && echo SKIP_CHECKS=yes >> ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager
1.如果你碰到2D加速很慢的情況,在/etc/X11/xorg.conf 的 Device section
Option "XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps"
sudo mkdir /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/volatile
sudo ln -sf /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/fglrx.ko /lib/modules/$(uname-r)/volatile/fglrx.ko
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib/modules
4.如果執行fglrxinfo出現 libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file,則
sudo ln /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib/libGL.so.1
1.全部完成重開機後,/etc/X11/xorg.conf 裡會多出一行敘述!
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "1"
Option "Composite" "0" #多餘的,請刪除..
正在設定 fglrx-kernel-source (8.443.1-1) ...
Adding Module to DKMS build system
Error! DKMS tree already contains: fglrx-8.443.1
You cannot add the same module/version combo more than once.
Doing initial module build
Error! This module/version has already been built on: 2.6.22-14-generic
Directory: /var/lib/dkms/fglrx/8.443.1/2.6.22-14-generic/i686
already exists. Use the dkms remove function before trying to build again.
Installing initial module
Error! This module/version combo is already installed
for kernel: 2.6.22-14-generic (i686)
正在設定 fglrx-amdcccle (8.443.1-1) ...
Processing triggers for libc6 ...
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 is not a symbolic link
/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 is not a symbolic link
#參考ATI wiki上的步驟,在編譯前先將原來的函式庫刪除就OK了!
Reference link: